Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Plan A: Repair what was one of the best relationships in my life.

Human beings are just that, human beings.  We fall short of our responsibilities, of other's expectations of us, of the grace of God.  I thought I had accepted this particular idiosyncrasy of life but it seems I never extended it to everyone in my life.  Now I have to face these things about a person I once called the love of my life.

I come from a place where there was never any such thing as the tooth fairy, santa clause, or any superheros (cept Blade and Spawn, Blade and Spawn are real) but many a time I have wondered what it is like for kids to have this idea of these perfect being planted in their brains for so long and then one day find out that they were never real.  It seems reality is not without a sense of irony as I now learn this bitter disappointment.  I projected certain qualities unto a person that never had them in the first place, therefore creating my very own fictional character.

So what must one do when they find out that their favorite hero is non-existent?  Accept it and face reality, become a big girl and still proceed to look for all these qualities in a man, fail, get married anyway and hope to God you don't end up one of those insufferable late 30s women who are impossible and damn near sacrilegious to live with.

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